TransAm – Day 41 – Ellington – Farmington

July 25, 2018
Ellington – Farmington
98 km (61 miles)
1088 m (3569 feet) elevation
4:05 moving time
4946 km (3074 miles)

At six in the morning we went to the breakfast place in town. Inside already were two older gentelmen who had a lot of questions about what we were doing and were we are heading. Soon the third one came a long, a bit older and had difficulty walking and probable starting to forget things because his friends had to remind him to take his medicine out of his pocket before sitting down. At this point they asked us if we had a gun for protection out on the road. We told them no and that we didn’t think that to be necessary. We were no threat to others and nothing to steal. They did not agree. All carrying guns. Said it was necessary for us because of the bears, cougars and snakes. Sæmi smiled a little and said that any of those would unlikely trouble us on the road. The old men were silent for one moment but then said ‘you have to be aware of the crack heads, when they want drugs they go mad’. We wondered if any of them would have the speed to use their gun if any danger would be in front of them? The oldest guy was so old he probably couldn’t lift his gun.

We did some good work today, we saved a kitten. Shortly after we left town a pick-up drove past us and suddenly we saw this tiny little kitten roll from under the car and then staying flat, crying in the middle of the lane. Monika jumped of her bike and grabbed it of the road. It was unharmed so we waved the next car going back in town. Hopefully the driver was able to find the owner 🙂

We had already decided to have a short day. Still feeling yesterday’s ride in our muscles and accommodation being limited. The landscape is becoming much easier to ride as the hills are much less steep though we had to climb some today but nothing like the monsters yesterday.

Checked in to a motel early, did our laundry and went to enjoy the swimming pool while waiting for the washer to finish.

We have noticed that we mostly see older people. Very few children and even fewer teenagers. Where are they? People here appear to be more religious than we are used to, saying praier before dinner and wishing us to walk with God but no-one has tried to force their religion up on us. It is weird seeing god-fearing people who carry guns. In our minds the two don’t fit together. It also quite apparent that these same people distrust other people and constantly tell us to ‘be safe, there are lots of crazy people out there’.

The landscape in Missouri is beautiful and the people extremely friendly and willing to offer us help. Offering us water and even to loan us a car to go to a restaurant – how awesome people!

8 thoughts on “TransAm – Day 41 – Ellington – Farmington

  1. Jack Perkins

    Monika and Sæmundur,
    Nice legs! 😊
    You are in the Bible Belt where there are a lot of practicing Christians. I think a lot of rural people are more cautious and maybe distrustful. They may have less proximity to law enforcement. So they feel the need to have guns for protection.
    Looks like you had a nice break with a pool and milkshakes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for the comment Jack. We have some weird tanlines! 😂
      The explanation you give regarding the guns makes sense.
      Hopefully we don’t come across as judgemental in our writing. We are just trying to call it as we see it.


    2. You are exactly right. With police being very distant at the moment you need them, this is one of the major reasons for carrying a firearm – self protection of person and property, including you since you have no protection. If I have a gun and I see that you are being threatened with deadly force, than I can help you against your attacker. What makes it difficult for a cross country biker in having a firearm is that laws differ from State to State concerning open carry, concealed carry etc.


  2. Wayne Linnenbringer


    Hope you are enjoying your stay at the Super 8 Motel. I love Steak n Shake milkshakes. You miss staying at Farmington Bike Hostel. Would love to meet you and ride out of town. Is that possible? My cell is 573-705-8909.



  3. Wayne Linnenbringer


    Hope you are enjoying your stay at the Super 8 Motel. I love Steak n Shake milkshakes. You miss staying at Farmington Bike Hostel. Would love to meet you and ride out of town. Is that possible? My cell is 573-705-8909.


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Wayne
      Didn’t realize there was a hostel here in town 😦
      We will probably ride out of town around 6:30 if you would like to ride with us 🙂
      Sorry but we didn’t have a cell phone with an American number so we only use the wifi.


  4. Wayne Linnenbringer

    Thank you for replying.
    Met Robert stopping about 14 miles from Farmington and rode with him to My Place Convenience & Gas Store. We missed you by 15 minutes there.

    I like to meet cyclists along the Trans Am Bike Route for the last four years. I love to ride with someone. I meet many Trans Am Bike Racers and Tourists. The time flies by quickly and riding is much easier.

    Traveling by bike is the best way to see America.

    Wish you the best!

    Liked by 1 person

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